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Research data management

Research data management is an essential step towards respecting the principles of open science and promoting quality research. It helps to organise and make research more transparent and to increase the impact of research results. Research data management ensures that data are stored in an organised way, are accessible and are used in a sustainable way both during and after the research process.

Here you will find key information on open science and the FAIR principles. For practical application, guidelines are provided for developing data management plans and using metadata, as well as guidance on organising and depositing data after the end of the research. Support and advice on research data management can be obtained from the LBTU data steward’s team.

The website section "Research data management" was created within the framework of the European Union Recovery Fund project No. “Support for the implementation of open science in practice, as well as created solutions for science data sharing and participation in the EU open science cloud”.

The website section has been prepared by the LBTU data steward team. The content of the section is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), unless otherwise indicated. In the case of citation or republication, a reference to the material is mandatory, indicating the authors as the LBTU data steward team (unless otherwise specified). We encourage using the following citation: LBTU data steward team. (01.12.2024). Research data management. LBTU.

Menu images in the website section "Research data management" are designed by Freepik.
