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International Advisory Board

International Advisory Board

International Advisory Board of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies is a voluntary unregulated body providing non-binding strategic advice to the research program, management of the scientific work and other questions related to science at LBTU.

International Advisory Board of Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies consists of 14 members from different countries and members are appointed to 3 years.

The main function of the Board is to offer assistance to Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies with advice to promote and develop the research level and to move to the scientific excellence.  

Responsibilities of LBTU IAB are:

  • to oversee the development of the LBTU’s research program or a part of the research program related to the member’s qualification and experience;
  • to develop an understanding of the research trends in the world related to the member’s scientific interest;
  • to provide insights and ideas from a third point-of-view;
  • to provide the information about the LBTU scientific possibilities to involve the new partners for the new projects and other activities;

The members of the International Advisory Board (2024 - 2026)

1. Astrida Miceikienė, Professor and Dean at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania - cooperation with Faculty of Economics and Social Development

2. Ellen Fetzer, Lecturer, University of Nürtingen-Geisling, Germany - cooperation with the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

3. Frederick Lothrop Stoddard, Professor at University of Helsinki, Finland - collaboration with Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology

4. Haldja Viinalas, Professor at Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia - cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology

5. Ismael García Varea, Professor, Vice-Rector of Digital Transformation at University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain - collaboration with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

6. Yngvild Wasteson, Professor at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway – cooperation with Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

7. Jolanta Valčiukiene, Associate Professor at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania - cooperation with the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences

8. Kalev Jõgiste, Professor at Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia - cooperation with the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences

9. Mašek Jiri, Professor, Dean at Czech University of Life Sciences, Czech Republic - cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology

10. Rogier Schulte, Professor/Chairholder of the Farming Systems Ecology, Wageningen University&Research, Netherland - cooperation with Faculty of Economics and Social Development

11. Solveig Fossum-Raunehaug, Leading Researcher, Vice-Chancellor for Research and Innovation at Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway - cooperation with Faculty of Economics and Social Development

12. Stojan Kravanja, Pprofessor at University of Maribor, Slovenia - cooperation with the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences

13. Vikor Nedovic, Professor at University of Belgrade, Serbia - cooperation with the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology

14. Wojciech Sas, Professor at Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland - cooperation with the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Sciences