Incoming Erasmus+ students

Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU) is excited to have you study with us in Jelgava.
If your home university has a formal agreement with LBTU, you are eligible to apply as an exchange student. Please contact your home universities International office and ask for more information.
The student exchange is coordinated and overseen by the International Cooperation Centre. We offer many services to help you adjust yourself to the life in Latvia and Jelgava and to make your stay at LBTU homelike and unforgettable. Do not hesitate to contact us through for any questions related to applications, study organization, accommodation, and anything else.
Some relevant information:
Erasmus code: LV JELGAVA01
PIC: 999933328
OID: E10209271
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies is a holder of extended Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027.
Erasmus Policy Statement for Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies