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Code Faculty Sort descending Level Study Course Teaching Staff ECTS Autumn semester Spring semester
VidZ4009 MVZF Bsc Limnology and hydrobiology Inga Grīnfelde 3.00
VidZ3044 MVZF Bsc Management of Environmental Projects Inga Grīnfelde 3.00
JurZ3027 MVZF Bsc Marketing of Real Property Vivita Baumane 3.00
VidZ6010 MVZF Msc Modeling of Hydrologic Process Inga Grīnfelde 6.00
MežZ4093 MVZF Bsc Multifunctional Forest Management Planning I D.Dubrovskis 3.00
MežZ4095 MVZF Bsc Multifunctional Forest Management Planning II D.Dubrovskis 6.00
Arhi2067 MVZF Bsc Natural Landscape Design Kristīne Vugule/ Daiga Skujāne 6.00
MežZ4096 MVZF Bsc Non-Wood Forest Values L. Vilkriste 3.00
Arhi2068 MVZF Bsc Parks and Squares Una Īle/Aija Ziemeļniece 7.50
BūvZB039 MVZF Bsc Photogrammetry Jānis Zvirgzds 5.00
MatZ3069 MVZF Bsc Practical Training in Wood Processing and New Technology A. Ābele 6.00
BūvZ5030 MVZF Msc Precise Leveling Armands Celms 4.50
BūvZM016 MVZF Bsc Precise Leveling and the Effect of Gravity Armands Celms 6.00
Arhi3080 MVZF Bsc Public Building Territory Natālija Ņitavska/ Madara Markova 12.00
BūvZ5054 MVZF Msc Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Methods for Geospatial Support Jānis Zvirgzds 3.00
MežZ4106 MVZF Bsc Research Methodology and Biometrics I Kaspars Liepiņš 3.00
MežZ4107 MVZF Bsc Research Methodology and Biometrics II Kaspars Liepiņš 3.00
MežZ4104 MVZF Bsc Risk Management in Forestry I Ā. Jansons 3.00
MežZ4105 MVZF Bsc Risk Management in Forestry II Ā. Jansons 3.00
MežZ4103 MVZF Bsc Silviculture I B. Jansone 6.00
MežZ4102 MVZF Bsc Silviculture II E.Dubrovskis 6.00
MežZ2038 MVZF Bsc Species and Habitat Protection Inga Straupe 3.00
BūvZB005 MVZF Bsc Technologies of Remote Sensing Ivars Bergmanis 5.00
Arhi5050 MVZF Msc Theory of Landscape Architecture Madara Markova 6.00
BūvZ3096 MVZF Bsc Three Dimensional Building Design Arturs Gaurilka 3.00
JurZ5001 MVZF Msc Valuation of Real Property Vivita Puķīte 3.00
Arhi2076 MVZF Bsc Water Landscape Daiga Skujāne/ Madara Markova 3.00
MatZ2008 MVZF Bsc Wood Science Jānis Magaznieks 3.00
MatZ4018 MVZF Bsc Wood Science and Measurement Technology J.Magaznieks 6.00
Valo1025 ValC Bsc Business Communication I Tatjana Šinkus 3.00
Valo3028 ValC Bsc Latvian Language Līga Horgana 6.00
VeteP025 VMF Bsc Clinical Rotation II Armands Vekšins 24.00