Ziemeļvalstu Lauksaimniecības zinātnieku asociācijas seminārs "Challengers of Economics, Education and Society Development in the Nordic – Baltic Countries and beyond"
The seminar is a part of the international continuous scientific conference "Challengers of Economics, Education and Society Development in the Nordic – Baltic Countries and beyond" organised by the section Economy – Education and Society of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Science (NJF). The separate seminars of this conference take place each first Wednesday of the month.
Presentation 1
Title: Digital transformation in the bioeconomy sector in Latvia during and post COVID-19
Speaker: Sandija Zeverte-Rivza, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Annotation: EU Since the COVID-19 pandemic started it has had a significant influence on the digital transformation and digital solutions used by enterprises globally (inc. in Latvia), that led to intensification of digital transformation also in the bioeconomy sector. This study analyses the data about the digital transformation of the bioeconomy sector in EU and Latvia.
Presentation 2
Title: Analysis of EU funds support for degraded areas revitalization projects in Latvian municipalities
Speaker: Mairita Stepina, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
Annotation: The In order to return degraded areas to economic circulation, local governments in Latvia use the opportunities offered by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) projects. As a result of project implementation, the municipality must ensure the project performance indicators – created new job places and revitalized territory.