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Support for the implementation of open science in practice, as well as created solutions for science data sharing and participation in the EU open science cloud


On May 20, 2024, the Higher Education and Science IT Shared Service Centre signed an agreement on the implementation of the European Union Recovery Fund project No. “Support for the implementation of open science in practice, as well as created solutions for science data sharing and participation in the EU open science cloud”. The project will be implemented in cooperation with Riga Stradins University, University of Latvia, Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies and Riga Technical University.

Within the framework of the project, it is planned to: develop Latvian higher education and scientific institutions in the management and use of human capital data; improve institutional research data management; promote the preparation, processing, annotation and sharing of high-quality scientific and research data; develop the necessary ICT solutions for this.

Project goals:

1. To create an integrated Latvian open science data management model, promoting the implementation of uniform data management and use standards, guidelines, access conditions and security protocols, and spreading good practice and exchange of experience with scientific institutions.

2. Create a unified network of Latvian federated repositories of research data, configure according to the "findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable" (FAIR) principles and integrate into the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

3. Create a cooperation network of Latvian research management specialists (data stewards) and train the necessary specialists.

The role of the institution in the project
Projekta partneris
Project start date
Project end date
Project budget

The total funding of the project is EUR 3,575,279.40, of which EUR 3,444,000.00 is financed by the Recovery Fund and EUR 131,279.30 by the state budget.

Projekta iestāde
Submitted on: 01/08/2024