Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology

The goal of the faculty is to conduct scientific research and provide students with scientific, academic, and/or professional education in the fields of agriculture, food and beverage technology, health, and social (hospitality) sciences.
The units of the faculty:
- Institute of Soil and Plant Sciences,
- Institute of Animal Sciences,
- Food Institute,
- Plant Protection Scientific Institute "Agrihorts",
- Agriculture Institute,
- Training and Research Farm "Pēterlauki",
- Plant Variety Economic Traits Evaluation Center,
- Center for Fish Processing Biotechnology Studies and Research.
Study direction:
- Agriculture, forest management, fishing, veterinary medicine and food hygiene,
- Production and processing,
- Hotel and restaurant service,
- Tourism and recreation organisation,
- Health care.
Study programmes:
- Food Science,
- Nutrition Science,
- Catering and Hotel Management,
- Food Technology,
Professional Bachelor’s study programme "Agriculture" with specialization:
- Agronomist with specialization in field crop,
- Agronomist with specialization in horticulture,
- Zootechnician in breeding,
- Manager of agricultural enterprise.
Academical Higher Education Master’s Study Program "Agriculture" with 3 specialization:
- Field-Crop Cultivation,
- Horticulture,
- Animal Husbandry,
Doctoral programme "Agriculture" (Field-Crop Cultivation and Animal Husbandry).
Directions of research:
- Soil science and agrochemistry,
- Plant biology and protection,
- Field management,
- Crop science and production,
- Horticulture,
- Animal science,
- New products from the raw materials of plant and animal origin, their production technologies and nutrition,
- Food safety and risk management,
- The study of biologically active compounds,
- Application of new packaging materials and technologies in food production.