Division of smart technologies
The Division of smart technologies of the Biotechnology Laboratory of the LBTU was established in October 9, 2019 (LBTU Senate decision No. 10-33), based on the laboratory of the Centre for Smart Technologies and Technology Transfer, established in frame of ERDF project No. "Strengthening of research and development infrastructure and institutional capacity of LBTU and the scientific institutions under its supervision". The unit provides research infrastructure for scientists of all faculties and institutes of LBTU.
The Division of smart technologies provides access to the following wide-scale research facilities:
- Hirox RH-2000 3D digital light microscope (https://www.hirox-europe.com/products/microscope/RH-2000-digital-microscope.php ),
- confocal laser scanning microscope,
- combined system of Raman spectrometer Renishaw inVia Qontor Raman Microscope (https://www.renishaw.com/en/invia-qontor-confocal-raman-microscope--38125) and scanning electron microscope Tescan MIRA3 XMU (https://www.tescan.com/product/sem-for-materials-science-tescan-mira3/ ),
- supercritical CO2 extraction and chromatography-mass spectroscopy system,
- laboratory equipment for the preparation of samples of various origins, incl. sample micro-cutter Leica Microsystems EM TXP (https://www.leica-microsystems.com/products/sample-preparation-for-electron-microscopy/p/leica-em-txp/ ) and Leica Microsystems ACE 600 metal film sputter coater (https://www.leica-microsystems.com/products/sample-preparation-for-electron-microscopy/p/leica-em-ace600/ ).