The monograph Bioeconomy: development roadmap
The development of the bioeconomy has become an integral component of scientific discourse and an agenda that policymakers deal with daily, which consequently should lead to a real turn towards sustainable development.
LBTU plays an important role in contributing to the bioeconomy in Latvia through sharing ideas among the international scientific community. At the same time, many findings and recommendations made during research activities and documented as teaching materials, project reports or discussions with policymakers have been integrated into bioeconomy courses delivered to students of all levels and represent support for policymakers
The monograph Bioeconomy: development roadmap aims to comprehensively describe the most important aspects of the development of the bioeconomy. It is one of the first works that represents not a learning material for an individual course, not a research project report or an analysis of policy documents, but a scientifically based material for confirming the diversity of the bioeconomy, which could be of interest to a wider audience: researchers, policymakers, entrepreneurs and students.
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