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Rector of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Irina Arhipova inaugurated in a solemn ceremony

Image author: No LLU arhīva

On September 18, the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU) held the inauguration ceremony of the rector, professor Irina Arhipova, where she gave the solemn rector's promise. During the inauguration, the rector received a chain of office, which symbolizes the responsibility and duty she undertakes towards the university and the country of Latvia. The event was attended by foreign and domestic guests, as well as university students, teaching staff and employees.

The chairman of the LBTU Convention Kaspars Vārtukapteinis and the chairman of the LBTU Council Laimdota Straujumas made speeches, followed by the inauguration process. During that time, the mentioned officials handed over the chain of office to the new rector as a symbol of the responsibility she will assume for the next five years. This was followed by I. Arhipova's solemn promise and address to those present, as well as greetings from the guests.

"Taking the position of rector of the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies, I solemnly promise that all my work will be dedicated to the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies and the country of Latvia. I will do everything in my power to promote the development of the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies. I will keep sacred and observe the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia, the current regulatory acts and the Constitution of the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies. I will treat everyone equally fairly and fulfill my duties to the best of my conscience," was the promise of LBTU rector Irina Arhipova.

The rector then addressed the audience: "Dear guests, today I express my deep gratitude for your trust in being the rector of the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies. I am pleased that colleagues from other universities, universities, scientific institutes, student corporations, city municipalities, have gathered at our university today. production companies and public administration institutions from Latvia and abroad. I am grateful to everyone who is with us today. The LBTU family is part of Latvia and its future, so I wish that we all continue to make our country better for ourselves and for future generations. I thank our previous rectors for their contribution to make our university a scientific university. I would like to express my gratitude to every LBTU faculty and staff for their commitment to inspire and educate future generations. Dear students, you are our future and inspiration, your curiosity and energy give life to our university. There are knowledgeable, thoughtful and talented colleagues in our team, I am ready to listen to each of you. Our strength lies in cooperation, mutual respect and shared vision. Thank you to my family for your support, your presence and your love, because it is my source of strength! I am sure that with selfless work and traditions, we will be able to create an environment where we will preserve not only academic, but also human values. Working in the position of rector, I will devote all my efforts so that the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies is a modern, nationally and internationally recognized scientific university in the field of bioeconomy."

Congratulating the rector on the day of her inauguration, LBTU Council chairperson Laimdota Straujumas expressed her good wishes: "The Convention of the atvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies has entrusted and elected professor Irina Arhipova as the 17th rector of the university. LBTU as a scientific university occupies an important place among Latvian higher education institutions, providing our regions with the necessary knowledge, preparing specialists for sectors whose share exceeds 40 percent of Latvia's total export. The university's unique field of activity is biosciences, it is the leading scientific university in creating innovations for the sustainable use of natural resources. It is a responsibility not only for the future of the university, but also for ours sustainable development of the regions, it is the responsibility for the preservation of our land, forests, and waters for future generations, and even more so, it is the responsibility for the sustainable future of our country. and inclusive. We wish the university to be a strong center of bioeconomy studies and research ecosystem, cooperating with universities in Latvia, Europe and the world. We wish to strengthen cooperation with economic sectors and cooperation between faculties. We wish to be a science university that not only teaches useful skills for the 21st century, but also a place where the university family feels good - academic staff and employees, a place where graduates want to return, a place that inspires students to explore the mysterious world of science. We wish the rector strength to rise to a new circle of development together with her team and the university family! We believe and are sure that the rector and her team will succeed!"

Although Saima's chairman Daiga Mieriņa could not attend the festive event, his rectors greeted him in a video greeting: "One must be able not only to love one's land, but one must also be able to take care of it. Take care of knowledge, innovations and responsibility towards future generations. For more than 80 years, Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies has an important place in the educational ecosystem of Latvia, which prepares high-class specialists - in agriculture, forestry, veterinary science, construction, economics and management. These are the sectors that form the basis of the future of Latvia. Today is a special day and I am truly honored to welcome the professors, rector Irina Arhipova at the inauguration ceremony. Professor Arhipova is an outstanding leader and scientist who has achieved recognition both at the national and international level and has made a significant contribution to Latvian science, which has been able to inspire young scientists. I am sure that you will continue to develop excellence as rector in education, research and science. I wish you tireless energy, with your experience, knowledge and passion to lead our university to future achievements! Why ours? Because, I too once graduated from the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies, obtaining a bachelor's degree in the specialty of horticulturist, so I am honored to be able to personally greet you today, starting the position of rector. Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies is not only a place for science, but also a community based on trust, cooperation and excellence. Let this holiday serve as a reminder, preserving these values ​​and using them for a common path to a sustainable future, in which science, technology and innovation will "play" a decisive role in the development of Latvia. Dear rector, professor Irina Arhipova, I sincerely wish you luck and success! May the new act of work be filled with success, may it succeed in moving the university towards new heights! May you succeed in achieving excellence!"

Minister of Agriculture Armands Krauze wished the new rector: "I congratulate you with all my heart on this solemn day! Why do I say with all my heart? Because I am also a graduate of this university. In my opinion, every graduate wants Jelgava to have the best university and Jelgava is not for nothing students' capital. Graduates of this university currently work in the countryside and in various state institutions, and of course, one of the highest officials of Latvia, Daiga Mieriņa, is a graduate of this university. To each his own at work and everyone at work for the state", I wish students, teaching staff and everyone present to work for the future of our country. The Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies is the one that makes a huge contribution to important sectors of the national economy - agriculture, forestry and others. May you succeed!"

But deputy state cecretary of the Ministry of Education and Science Jānis Paiders emphasized: "I would like to say warm and sincere words of congratulations to you on taking up the position of rector. I believe that our cooperation in the future will also be productive and at a high level. You are one of the four scientific universities that have provided unique contribution. You are the only university that specializes in agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine. You can also be proud of the fact that your industries represent the largest territory of Latvia, for example , forestry, agriculture and the field of food. Looking at you, I see that the results in science, international cooperation and also in other areas have grown significantly. I wish to continue working on achievements and successful cooperation!"

Rector Irina Arhipova was also greeted at the inauguration by other state and local government officials, university rectors, student corporations, cooperation partners from Latvia and abroad. The LBTU choirs "Liepa" and "Ozols" and folk dance ensemble "Kalve" made the ceremony more magnificent with their presence, while at the end of the event a musical greeting was prepared from a group of musicians led by conductor Raitis Ašmanis.

The solemn promise and inauguration of the rector of LBTU is a tradition established in 2001, when on December 12, the then Senate of the Latvia University of Agriculture made a decision on the solemn promise of the rector. As the first one, it was given at the meeting of the Convention ten days later by rector Pēteris Bušmanis, upon taking office, and then continued by subsequent rectors.

Professor I. Arhipova was elected to the position of rector on May 22, 2024 and has been performing her duties since July 1. She is the 17th rector of the university.

Submitted on: 19/09/2024