Studējošie aicināti pievienoties "Buddy" programmā/ Students are Invited to become a "Buddy"
ESN Jelgava aicina mūsu universitātes studentus pievienoties "Buddy" programmā, lai palīdzētu "ienākošajiem" ārvalstu studentiem iejusties jaunajā un vēl nezināmajā vidē. Dalībnieku galvenais uzdevums būs komunicēt un izpalīdzēt studentiem dažādās situācijās. Piemēram, par nokļūšanu no Rīgas līdz Jelgavai, ārpusstudiju aktivitātēm un citiem svarīgiem ikdienas jautājumiem.
English version below.
Šī ir lieliska iespēja ikvienam iegūt jaunus draugus, praktizēt angļu valodu un uzzināt par Erasmus+ programmas iespējām.
Reģistrējies un pievienojies badijiem!
Lejupielādē aplikāciju:
iOS app (App Store):
Android app (Play Store):
Pēc aplikācijas lejupielādes veic dažus solus:
1. atrodi ESN Jelgava vai apmeklē šo saiti,
2. pēc tam pievienojies "Buddy system Autumn 2023" projektam,
3. izvēlies "I want to offer my help (can become a BUDDY)".
Jautājumu gadījumā lūgums sazināties e-pastā:
Are you ready to be the guiding light for someone's journey of a lifetime? Become a global ambassador by joining the ESN Buddy Program! Your chance to make a difference in the lives of incoming international students has arrived.
As a buddy, you'll do all this and more! Your role isn't just about practical assistance; it's about creating lasting friendships, sharing experiences, and fostering a sense of belonging.
Here's why you shouldn't miss this incredible opportunity: Make Lifelong Connections, Learn about new cultures, traditions, and languages right in your own backyard and Enhance your leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills while making a positive impact on someone's life.
Ready to embark on this rewarding adventure? Take the first step by applying for the ESN Buddy Program today. Your kindness could be the highlight of someone's study abroad experience.
Let's create moments, build bridges, and make memories that transcend borders. Embrace the world, one friendship at a time.
Apply now and be the change!
Download the app here:
iOS app (App Store):
Android app (Play Store):
After downloading the app, follow these steps:
1. find ESN JELGAVA or follow the link below
2. join the “buddy system Autum 2023” project
3. choose "I want to offer my help (can become a BUDDY)"
If you have any questions, please write to