Conference for on innovations in the bioeconomy sector
on December 16 from 10.00 Latvian University of Biosciences and Technologies - LBTU scientific conference "Innovations in bioeconomy" will be held in the hall, where students, scientists, policymakers and interested parties from all over Europe are invited to participate in order to learn about current affairs in the industry and examples of good practice in various bioeconomy sectors . During the conference, it will be possible to get acquainted with stories of experience from Latvia and other countries. You can also watch it live on LBTU's YouTube channel and on the university's website.
Bioeconomy is an important part of the national economy, where renewable natural resources are used in the production process in a sustainable and thoughtful way to produce food, feedstuff, energy and other important products for society. Innovation in the bioeconomy is not only the research and creation of new products and services, but also the improvement of previously established quality and production efficiency.
The conference "Innovations in the bioeconomy" is devoted to the actualization of the aforementioned topics in various sectors of the industry and the important role of science, which ensures the development of the industry and progress towards innovations, as well as drawing public attention to the role of the bioeconomy today.
The opening of the conference is planned at 10:00 with a speech by LBTU vice-rector of sciences Irina Arkhipova, followed by expert reports. Dagnis Dubrovskis, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development (VARAM), will be the first to speak with the report "European Green Deal: challenges and possibilities for Latvia", analyzing the challenges and opportunities of the European Green Deal in Latvia.
In the continuation, four practical stories from foreign colleagues are expected - Norway's experience on the sustainability and safety of food products will be depicted by professor Yngvild Wasteson of the Norwegian University of Natural Sciences in the report "Norwegian food production – a snapshot of sustainability, security and safety", innovations in the ecosystem and the food industry will be reported by a professor from the University of Belgrade Viktor Nedovic's report "Innovation ecosystem that boost innovations in the food sector", Henrik Barth, associate professor of Halmstad University, will share the report "Business Model Innovation in the Bioeconomy Sector - The Swedish case" about business model innovations in the bioeconomy sector, and the impact of climate change on the forest sector will be presented Professor Kalev Jõgiste of the Estonian University of Life Sciences in the report "Frontiers in forest disturbance ecology: climate change impacts".
But at the end of the first part, the lecturer of the Faculty of Economics and Social Development, Vineta Teter, will inform about the activities and tasks carried out in the research in the report "Biomonitor project: measuring the Bioeconomy".
The second part of the conference will be opened by Uldis Biķis, Chairman of the Council of AS "Latvijas Finieris" with the report "Innovations and their results for a stable future. A view from the viewpoint of the concern "Latvijas Finieris".
In addition, several representatives of LBTU will also report on the research carried out - Professor Inga Ciproviča of the Faculty of Food Technology with the report "Sustainable solutions for ripening and realization of cheese", Associate Professor of the Faculty of Information Technology Vitālijs Komashilovs with the report "Digital solutions in precision beekeeping", leading researcher of the Faculty of Food Technology Rita Riekstiņa - Dolģe with the report "The role of municipalities in providing catering services in educational institutions", Dina Popluga, associate professor of the Faculty of Economics and Social Development, with the report "Assessment of the concentration and structure of the bioeconomy in Latvia: a regional approach", as well as Dzidra Kreišmane, associate professor of the Faculty of Agriculture (Emeritus) with report "Biologically produced marbled steak - how to turn your idea into reality?" and LBTU graduate Kristiāna Skutele with the report "Latvian coastal macroalgae – from sea manure to unique products".
The conference will be closed by the leading researcher Inga Moročko - Bičevska from the Institute of Horticulture, who will cover the topic "Research of reversion virus of plants of the Ribes genus, Cecidophyopsis bud mite and currants for sustainable selection and cultivation of Ribes berry fruit resistance".