The joint master studies programme “Agri-food Business Management” (LV-EE-LT) is proud to announce the first graduates
On 15 January 2021, the defence of master theses of “Agricultural and Food Business Management” students took place online by using the LLU BigBlueButton tool. The study programme is implemented at the Faculty of Economics and Social Development (ESAF) of the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LLU, Latvia) in cooperation with the Estonia University of Life Sciences (EMU, Estonia) and Vytautas Magnus University (VMU, Lithuania).
The master theses defence commission consisted of Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian academic level evaluators and agri-food industry representative. The range of topics chosen for the master's thesis this year focused on various aspects of digital marketing, e-commerce and market acquisition issues in an international context. The research topics included issues important for traditional agri-food sectors, how to promote the export of products and the efficiency of logistics channels, as well as broader issues of bioeconomy, which are currently relevant not only in the European Union, but also in several countries in Asia and Africa.
We wish our graduates a successful future professional career and many new challenges in research!
The aim of the study programme Agri-food Business Management is to provide students with knowledge and skills relevant for the requirements of the industry / labour market in agriculture and food processing industry, bio-economy, leadership, business and administration, finances, international marketing. After completion of the programme in addition to a joint diploma in business management science you will have unique experience from studies in international companies of the industry as well as professional contacts for the development of your future career.